Thank God It’s Monday

Thank God it’s Monday! 

No, you didn’t read that wrong. It isn’t a typo. I am saying ‘Thank God it’s Monday’ and it’s my goal to get you to say it, and really mean it, too.  I truly believe that for many people a fulfilling career is a keystone to a happy life. And one sign that you have a fulfilling career is that you are as excited on Monday morning to go in to work as you are on Friday afternoon to enjoy your weekend. 

I want you to CELEBRATE Mondays because…

  • it’s the start of a new week full of work you are passionate about. 

  • your work is engaging and challenging you in the best of ways. 

  • there’s a week of opportunities ahead of you. 

At the beginning of a new year, I like to choose a word or phrase that resonates with me and that I want to carry with me through the year. In 2022, I choose the phrase, “on purpose”. I want all of the choices I make this year - whether personal or professional - to be on purpose. I want to know exactly why I’m doing what I’m doing. Putting purpose behind my decision-making means knowing that in order for me to say a powerful “yes”, I will say no to other things. It will add value to the things I choose to do. 

This is part of the reason why I created my free online community - Fulfilling Career, Happy Life. My purpose behind this group is to serve more people in 2022 and help find them joy and contentment through their careers. 

I’ll be sharing “Note From Randi’s Desk” every Monday (TGIM!) and going live starting Thursday, January 27th to talk about my Career Satisfaction Assessment Pillars. These pillars can help you determine, ​​what may be causing that less-than-thrilled feeling at work, why the enthusiasm you usually have for your work now sometimes feels like exhaustion, and whether it's time to make a change to your current situation or create a better fit within it. 

If those questions resonate with you, mark your calendar for 01/27/22, and join me live. I’d love to see you there.


The Benefits of a Group